Coaches, healers, consultants, body workers...

Have you ever been working with a client and they…

~ seem kind of distracted

~ are very procrastinatey, even though they’ve told you again (and again, and again!) that something is important to them

~ have a hard time naming their feelings or being vulnerable 

~ are taking notsogreat care of themselves

~ get argumentative with you

~ have a really difficult time making decisions

~ they agree with absolutely everything you say in a way that feels a bit…excessive 

~ ghost you

or something else?

Your client might have been in a 

fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response!

If you're unfamiliar with these terms, 

these are responses that humans (and other creatures, lol) have to stressful events.

And stressful events can be anything from a natural disaster to some other awful thing to a question, exercise, or bodywork experience in a session. 

It is soooo important for practitioners to know 

about The Four Fs and what to do when 

your client experiences them...

Because they might experience it while you're working together!

Whether it’s in a session or over a longer period of time, figuring out whether our clients might be in one of The Four Fs is crucial so we can work with them in supportive and effective ways.

During this 4-day intensive, you’ll learn: 

~ The fight/flight/freeze/fawn stress responses

~ A theoretical framework to understand trauma and how it might impact your clients 

~ How they might show up in our clients

~ How to work with them so your clients are supported and you’re not making things harder for them 

~ About the concept of the Window of Tolerance and how to use it to best serve your clients

~ And more!

Here's what's so important —and fantastic!—about 

knowing this information:

~ Instead of seeing or labeling your clients as resistant or uncoachable, you know what to do so your client can get the support they need. 

~ You get to do the work you love with the confidence that you are actually making your clients’ lives better...rather than potentially causing harm.

~ You’ll be able to notice possible trauma responses showing up and how to bring them back to neutral in sessions. 

~ You know how to hold powerful space possible for clients to become more self-aware, more regulated, and more ready to create what they came to you for.

~ And so much more.


~ There are four meeting times, at 2pm ET/11am PT 

~ Each will be 90ish minutes long. 

~ Meetings will take place on Zoom. 

~ The course will be presented in English. 

Meeting 1: November 11th

Meeting 2: November 14th

Meeting 3: November 18th

Meeting 4: November 21st

Once you register, you will receive the Zoom link and all the other information you need. 

(Can't make the live trainings? You'll get the replay info and all the materials.)

Investment: sliding scale

In order to make this accessible to people from a wide range of financial positions, I use the following sliding scale:

$250 if you’re financially abundant 

$200 if you’re financially stable 

$100 if things are financially challenging

Notes about the sliding scale:

I am committed to creating a world where everyone is supported 100% and no one is left out.

Scholarships are also available; please don’t hesitate to reach out to if you have any questions about any of this or would like to apply for a scholarship. 

How to enroll: 

Decide on your payment amount according to the sliding scale and choose the payment processor of your choice.

If you prefer Venmo: send payment to @Eryka-Peskin

If you prefer Zelle: send payment to

If you prefer PayPal: send payment to 

IMPORTANT: Please include your email in the notes so I can send you all the info.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll have reserved your spot and you’ll get all the info!

About Eryka Peskin

Eryka is a social worker licensed in both New York and Idaho. She has also been a mindset coach for a decade, a fierce cheerleader, a writer and a photographer, and was a registered representative with a leading financial services company. 

When she's not hiking through mountains and trees or chasing after her niblings (niece + nephews), she works with people one on one or in groups to support them in shifting their mindset from scarcity to abundance, conquering their limiting beliefs and their fears and their pernicious inner critic, understanding how money works, and educating coaches, healers, and practitioners on being trauma informed.